Tuesday 9 February 2010


We have been very busy with our special charity book Gentle Footprints and Twelve Days so for more day to day updates please do follow us on Twitter as I tend to keep this more updated. Also follow the Gentle Footprints Blog as this is raising awareness about the animals included in the book Gentle Footprints

Also for unforseen reasons the original paper publisher of 100 Stories for Haiti (to help earthquake victims) had to pull out we have stepped in and will also be publishing this special collection. Greg McQueen's whose project it is and who seems to have done some amazing things is handling all the marketing etc- we will simply publish and distribute and all profits go to the British Red Cross Check it out 100 Stories

We have also updated the website with a brand new Short Story Competition : Competition

And we have also added 2 new calls for submissions for anthologies: Adult Crime Fiction and cross-over Sci-Fi Fiction New calls

It's all ver y exciting... we are also reading the debut novel stories... so an exciting time...

Debz :)


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