Friday, 1 April 2011

Author Visits by Gill James

I do a lot of these – some of them paid (at £350 a day plus expenses – recommended Society of Author rates) and some for free. The free ones are book promotion events where I read, talk, answers questions, sell and sign books. I still ask for travel expenses for the latter. I’m all sorts of lists but have found the most effective way of getting schools’ attention is a direct email. These cost about £200 to send out but if that is shared between several authors it can be real value for money. I recently did an up-market one which cost us £66.00 each and did £1200 of business from it – plus I now have those schools as contacts.

If you would be interested in joining in one of these mailings, email me - and we’ll set something up. Let me know the most you’re prepared to pay. Each writer would have a small bio, a book cover, room to say what sort of workshop they offer and contact details. I’ve done this often as well with six or so of us paying about £20.00

Incidentally, we’re currently offering a free school visit and five copies of Alex Smith’s Calling For Angels for £25.00 plus travel expenses. I’m currently offering the work shop (one hour long). Alex Smith is our Red Telephone Competition winner and was just 14 when she wrote the book. If you know any schools that would be interested, please let me know or get them to contact me direct. I do take some of my own titles along as well


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