How would you describe your normal style of writing?
I'm guilty of using too much description.
Have you published other material?
Bridge House published "Whiteout" in the "Something Hidden" anthology. I won the 2013 Earlyworks Press Flash Fiction Competition with "Stagnight" and they've taken 3 more for their 2015 Anthology. WADARS have just taken 4 poems (my first to be published) for their 2015 anthology.
Do you have a writing routine?
Writing inspiration definitely comes from walking my dog in the countryside.
Tell something quirky about you.
I believe in angels ... not always adorned with wings.
Extract from Waiting for Susan
At some point deep within the night, snow had fallen serenely,
icing the meadows in a soft blanket of white and plunging the country into a
blissful muffled silence; a world in suspended animation.
The dogs went wild as we began our walk and soon discovered
this cold intangible substance invigorating to roll in. The beech hedge
whispered in the breeze as we skirted the lonely cemetery. All the graves lay
hidden by the fall, apart from one in the far corner where the floral
arrangements had not yet decayed. Draped with snow, the lichen-covered obelisks
loomed like bed heads for those sleeping there; a stark reminder of how
temporary life is.
A small solitary figure, barely visible under a fountain of
half naked willow branches, stood by the church gate. She was about seven or
eight with long fair hair cascading to her shoulders and fanning into a
shimmering curtain, which cut across her green coat. One of the dogs charged
towards her with hackles raised and broke into a bark. The girl’s face, as
waxen as a cream camellia, quickly fell into a worried grimace.
“Don’t worry, she
won’t hurt you!” I shouted, quickly whistling Tabitha back to my side.
The child managed a weak smile but her young face appeared
sad and care worn. She looked anxiously behind her as though she was waiting
for someone.
“Are you OK?” I
“Yes … thank you,”
she said nervously, like a moth caught out in the daylight.
I felt reluctant to leave her there alone but the dogs were
impatient to reach open countryside. We scurried along beside ice laden
streams, where clusters of primroses hid shyly along the banks. The dogs knew
she was following before I did. I looked back and smiled at her; she drew her
satchel nervously over her shoulder and nodded.
Eventually the girl set out along a parallel path leading to
Copse Farm. She walked quickly, occasionally breaking into a run but
continually looking back to ensure we were in view. I was worried when she
stumbled and dropped her satchel into a ditch; but then she waved and continued
her journey. As the dogs bounced into the snowy meadow, I saw the child
disappearing into a small cluster of farm cottages.
About the author
Though being fairly new to fiction writing
(having spent most of her life writing words for others), Jeanne Davies
continues to gain publishing success for her short stories. Over the past year
she has had three flash fiction stories published in anthologies. She lives a
country life with her husband and dogs in Sussex.
About the author
Though being fairly new to fiction writing (having spent most of her life writing words for others), Jeanne Davies continues to gain publishing success for her short stories. Over the past year she has had three flash fiction stories published in anthologies. She lives a country life with her husband and dogs in Sussex.
Something Hidden
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengatasi BAB keluar darah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Akut Tanpa Operasi
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati BAB berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Atau Wasir
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati wasir berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Bengkak
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Mengobati ambeien berdarah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Berdarah
Wasir atau biasa dikenal orang dengan sebutan ambeien adalah masalah kesehatan yang sudah umum saat ini. Wasir tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya pembekakan yang terjadi pada pembuluh darah di dalam ataupun di luar bagian bawah anus. Selain pembengkakan juga terkadang ada yang meradang di sekitar anus tersebut. Obat BAB keluar darah Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kunjungi artikel terkait ambeien atau wasir dan cara mengobatinya berikut ini. Cara Mengobati Ambeien Cara Alami
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